Quantum BioResonance AnalysisBioresonance is based on the concept and observation that all living organisms and their components, the cells, tissues and organs, emit measurable electromagnetic waves. The frequency of these waves can vary from cell to cell or organ to organ and from tissue to tissue, based on their biochemical and physiological environment. Accordingly, these can vary in responses to a variety of stresses from biochemical and physiological responses to pathogens, allergens, chemicals, or alteration in DNA. It has also been shown and measured that electromagnetic waves or oscillations emitted by diseased organs including cancer cells vary from those emitted by healthy cells due to their differences in cell metabolism and DNA damage.
By working with different tissues and organs under different pathological conditions it has been shown that each disease state elicits its own signature resonance frequency compared to the healthy ones. With modern electronic equipment, it allows non-invasive scans for analyzing different frequency imbalances. |
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The Natural Health Centre 43 Dunn Street. Suite 2 & 4. Main Level PO Box 544 Barry's Bay, Ontario. K0J 1B0 Canada |
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